
Interact with cheat functions.


utility.log(string: message)

Random Int

utility.random_int(int: min, int: max)

Returns a random number between the minimum and maximum as a integer.

Random Float

utility.random_float(float: min, float: max)

Returns a random number between the minimum and maximum as a float.

World To Screen

utility.world_to_screen(int: x, int: y, int: z)

Converts world coordinates to screen cordinates.

Key State

utility.key_state(key: key)

Returns the state of that key.

Delta Time


Returns the time elapsed since the last frame was rendered.

Tick Count


Returns the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was started.

Get Fingerprint


Returns a unique fingerprint of the users computer, this can be used to uniquely identify someone's computer.

Get Clipboard


Returns the current contents of the users clipboard.

Set Clipboard

utility.set_clipboard(string: content)

Set's the users clipboard to whatever content you specify.

Load Image

utility.load_image(string: image_file_content)

The image file content can be obtained from either a web request, or by using the file system to read the contents and passing it. This function should be called once per image as it will return a texture id. This can then be passed into any functions that support a texture id.

Last updated