
Interact with menu.



ui.get(item: number)

For a checkbox, returns true or false. For a slider, returns an integer. For a hotkey, returns true if the hotkey is active. For a color picker, returns table with r, g, b, a. For a dropdown, returns name of selected option. For a multiselect, returns a table of selected option names.


ui.set(item: int, value: dynamic)

For checkboxes, pass true or false. For a slider, pass a number that is within the slider's minimum/maximum values. For color pickers, pass the arguments r, g, b, a in a table. For a dropdown, pass a name which is within the dropdowns options. For a multiselect pass a table of option names that are within the multiselects options.


ui.new_checkbox(string: tab, string: container, string: name)

Creates a toggle in the menu, has the ability to return true/false as a value. Returns an item reference as a number, which can be used to interact with the element itself.


Creates a slider in the menu, has the ability to return a number as a value. Returns an item reference as a number, which can be used to interact with the element itself.

ui.new_slider_int(string: tab, string: container, string: name, int: min, int: max, int: default)

Slider Float

Creates a slider in the menu, has the ability to return a number but in decimal form as a value. Returns an item reference as a number, which can be used to interact with the element itself.

ui.new_slider_float(string: tab, string: container, string: name, float: min, float: max, float: default)


Creates a hotkey in the menu, has the ability to return true/false as a value. Returns an item reference as a number, which can be used to interact with the element itself.

ui.new_hotkey(string: tab, string: container, string: name, int: key, int: mode, bool: inline)


Creates a color picker in the menu, has the ability to return four numbers (r, g, b, a) as values. Returns an item reference as a number, which can be used to interact with the element itself.

ui.new_colorpicker(string: tab, string: container, string: name, int: r, int: g, int: b, int: a, bool: inline)

Text Input

Creates a text input in the menu, has the ability to return a string as a value. Returns an item reference as a number, which can be used to interact with the element itself.

ui.new_input_text(string: tab, string: container, name: string)

Creates a dropdown in the menu, has the ability to return a string as a value. Returns an item reference as a number, which can be used to interact with the element itself.

ui.new_dropdown(string: tab, string: container, name: string, table: options)


Creates a multiselect dropdown in the menu, has the ability to return a table containing names of selected options. Returns an item reference as a number, which can be used to interact with the element itself.

ui.new_multiselect(string: tab, string: container, name: string, table: options)


ui.new_button(string: tab, string: container, name: string, function: callback)

Creates a new button in the menu, when pressed the function passed to the callback is triggered.


ui.reference(string: tab, string: container, name: string)

Returns an item reference as a number, which can be used to interact with the element itself.


ui.new_listbox(string: tab, string: container, name: string, table: options)

Creates a listbox in the menu, has the ability to return the selected item index. Similar to the list that holds configuration preset names. Returns an item reference as a number, which can be used to interact with the element itself.

Set Visible

ui.set_visible(number: item, status: boolean)

Sets the visibility of a menu item.

Is Open


Returns true if the menu is currently open.

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