Interact with cached entities, usually just player info in this case.
When using the Entity API the info is returned from what the cheat has saved for it's own usage. It's safe to use these functions within the paint callback and experience little to no performance drawbacks. This should work across all games that are supported.
Get Players
Returns a table of players. If only_enemies
isn't passed it will default to false. The local player and dead players will be excluded.
Get Parts
Returns a table of all parts in the game. Refer to the methods below on how to read their information.
Get Local Player
Returns the local player.
Get Target
Returns the aimbot target.
Get Position
Returns the player positon as vector (x, y, z).
Get Name
Returns the player name as a string.
Get Bounding Box
Returns the player bounding box as x, y, w, h which are screen coordinates.
Is Alive
Returns true if the player is alive.
Is Enemy
Returns true if the player is an enemy
Is Visible
Returns true if the player is visible
Is Whitelisted
Returns true if the player is whitelisted.
Get Health
Returns the players current health as an int.
Get Velocity
Returns the players velocity as x, y, z. You can pass these values into a vector and call the length method to get the velocity as an int.
Get User ID
Returns the user id as a number.
Get Max Health
Returns the players maximum health as a int.
Bone Position
Returns the position of the specified bone as x, y, z. (Ex. Head)
Bone Instance
Returns the instance of the specified bone. (Ex. Head)
Get Weapon
Returns the players currently held weapon as a string.
Get Team
Returns the players team name as a string.
Get Team Color
Returns the players team color as RGB values, Ex. [255, 0, 255]
Part Methods:
These can be used on parts IN the Entity API to obtain their information.
Get Position
Returns the position of the specified part as x, y, z.
Get Rotation
Returns the rotation of the specified part as matrix3 struct. Here's an example of it's useage:
Get Size
Returns the size of the specified part as x, y, z. Example Useage:
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